Breakout 03. Entrepreneurial environments

Take a look at how different entrepreneurial environments are identifying opportunities based on megatrends! Covering collaboration and open data to accelerate research, shared workspace concepts that improve staff wellbeing, and multidisciplinary partnerships to specialised sector-specific support mechanisms, this session provides a valuable snapshot into initiatives from around the world.

Session moderated by Josephine Ndambuki (Kenya). Speakers:

  • Sandra Delina – Entrepreneurial Ecosystems as economic development drivers and catalysts of social innovation
  • Patrick Ohnewein (Italy) – How an open data hub can accelerate research and development of digital solutions by startups, companies and research organisations
  • Yong´an Guo (China) – Title TBC
  • André Domin (Germany) – Building dynamic entrepreneurship ecosystems: a comprehensive guide to vital supportive actions and programs


Join the global innovation community at the 41st IASP World Conference hosted by Konza Technopolis in Nairobi (Kenya). Don’t miss your chance to join the conversation on demographics, entrepreneurship and technology. Run as fast as a cheetah in the Masai Mara and grab our super-early bird rates, only available until 17 April!

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