Sanchez, Rafael


Rafael has experience in energy and telecommunications sector. PhD in Computer Engineering, winner of the best doctoral thesis prize at the Indra Digital Society Chair, he holds a degree in Business Sciences from the University of Seville and San Telmo MBA.

In his professional career he has held different positions, the most recent being industrial analysis and strategy development. He is currently General Manager of Endesa in Andalusia and Extremadura. Director of EPRESA and ECASA, Trustee of FIDETIA, CTA and CEIMAR. President of the Energy Commission of the CEA and Vice President of Sustainability at the Ricardo Valle Institute.

As PhD, he carries out his research activity collaborating with the University of Seville and Malaga, in the departments of business administration and as teacher and honorary assistant of Electronic Technology. He has led a dozen studies in the energy sector, in ENERCLUB (Spain), EURELECTRIC (Brussels) related to future scenarios for energy transition. (Energy demand, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and ICTs).

Regular participant in think tanks such as FUNSEAM, the Foundation for Energy and Environmental Sustainability and the European project Copernicus Climate Change Service Energy. In 2020 he has started a collaboration with Facebook Research.

Speaking in
IASP 2022