Mina, Alberto


Alberto Mina is director of international and institutional relations at AREXPO. Studies in humanities, former teacher in Italian Literature, PhD in contemporary philosophy at University of Turin, master in international relations and strategies at the London School of Economics, Alberto has a long experience in institutional and international relations, was director of institutional and international relations and communication at Regione Lombardia (Italian regional government) and then director of institutional relations at Expo Milan 2015. Today he is responsible for international and institutional relations, international partnership and projects, media and communication strategies and contents of AREXPO, the state owned company, which leads the biggest Italian project on innovation, the Milan Innovation District (MIND) as main legacy of the Expo Milan 2015. Social and cultural analysis are the basis of his work in developing perspectives and strategies for the city of the future.

Alberto Mina has been appointed President of The Innovation and Technology Transfer Foundation (FITT), established in December 2022, as private law foundation established by Arexpo S.p.A. and four main best in class treatment and research public hospitals: Foundations IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, IRCCS San Matteo, IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta and IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Studio e Cura Tumori. The Innovation and Technology Transfer Foundation operates with the aim of protecting, facilitating and enhancing the entire process, leading from scientific research to patenting and bringing new technologies to market.

Speaking in
IASP 2023