Machowska, Monika

Krakow Technology Park, Poland

I joined Krakow Technology Park 14 years ago. I am an experienced project manager with 25 years of professional experience. My job is to support tech companies in their development and growth. In KPT I have been responsible for setting up, a hub for tech companies (current company’s headquarter), together with its services portfolio. Currently I am head of Business Support and Development Department, being in charge of tenants recruitment process; evaluation of applications, monitoring of tenants performance, support services for tenants (business development, B2B opportunities, networking events etc.).

I am also responsible for international projects dedicated to technology park tenants, focused on business development/ innovation management / technology transfer & digitalization, strengthening cooperation among quadruple helix organizations. Together with my team, I undertake initiatives aimed at better understanding of new technologies, monitoring technology trends and facilitating long-term strategic process of planning tailored policies and financial instruments for startups, SMEs at national and supranational level.

I am a design thinking enthusiast, passionate about creative team work and project management.

My current professional challenge is to set up a urban lab in an post-industrial district of the Municipality of Krakow.

Speaking in
IASP 2022
Breakout 12: Bridging socio-economic gaps with inclusive innovation