Kowacki, Mateusz
Kraków Technology Park, Poland
Employed by Krakow Technology Park since 2020, Mateusz started as a focal point for the ICT companies located in the Technology Park responsible for day-to-day operation and consultancy. He used to be responsible for the tenants recruitment process, evaluation of applications, monitoring of performance and providing support services. Recently, a business development specialist and project manager involved in the international project concerning cutting-edge technologies amongst others hydrogen technologies. He is a certified moderator of design thinking methodology with the record of providing professional trainings for the representatives of public administration. Experienced in project management, strategic documents consultancy and involved as a mentor in the mentoring programme run by The Regional Centre for Social Policy in Kracow. Mateusz is a graduate of the Jagiellonian University, Kracow University of Economics (MBA type) and European Academy of Diplomacy in Warsaw.
Speaking in
IASP 2023