September 25th - 14:30
Examine the role of innovation ecosystems and strategic initiatives in driving economic growth in emerging economies. Papers from Brazil, Spain, and the USA provide insights into the creation and management of technology parks, the effectiveness of open innovation platforms, and Triple Helix Model (THM) partnerships.
Focus talk: ICT Authority
Kamanguya, StanleyICT Authority
Breakout 2: Innovation in emerging markets
Sibanda, McLeanBigen Global, South Africa
Ferreira de Faria, AdrianaTecnoPARQ, BrazilDissemination of technology parks in Brazil: following the process and monitoring using the MCTI-InovaData-Br Platform
Cerezo de Pedro, YolandaIDOM, SpainStrategies for developing a technology park in Senegal
Gatune, JuliusMaastricht University, NetherlandsBuilding open innovation platforms: What works for Africa - Lessons from Kenya, Ethiopia and Rwanda