Delacámara, Gonzalo

IE Centre of Water & Climate Adaptation, Spain

Director of the IE Centre of Water & Climate Adaptation, Gonzalo is a senior economist (25+ years of experience) who works worldwide (in 80+ countries: European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, other countries in Africa, Central and South Asia). He is an international advisor on sustainability and environmental policy for multilateral organizations such as the European Commission, to which he is a water policy advisor, the European Parliament (to which he also advises on climate change policy), various agencies and programs of the United Nations system (UN Water, UNESCO, FAO, WHO-PAHO, UNDP, ECLAC, etc.), the World Bank Group (including its 2030 Water Resources Group, but also the World Bank itself or the International Finance Corporation, IFC), and others. He is also a senior advisor to the OECD and member of the OECD Water Governance Initiative. He is a Board Member of the International Desalination Association (IDA) and Water Europe (former EU Water Supply & Sanitation Technology Platform).

Speaking in
IASP 2022