Carbonell, Alejandro

City of Knowledge Foundation, Panama

Alejandro Carbonell is an Industrial Engineer graduated from the Technological University of Panama (UTP), with an MBA from the Escuela de Alta Dirección y Administración (EADA) in Barcelona, Spain. He has experience in marketing for national and multinational companies such as Estrella Azul and Procter & Gamble. Currently, he is the Director of the Innovation Center at the City of Knowledge, responsible for entrepreneurship programs in pre-incubation, incubation, and acceleration stages, as well as the Foundation’s innovation strategy. He is a mentor for entrepreneurs at Canal de Empresarias, Founders Institute, TIC Americas, among others.

Alejandro is a speaker, consultant, and professor in the areas of education, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and he is a co-founder of the startup Tutorez, as well as a founding member of Jóvenes Unidos por la Educación in Panama, where he also teaches Advocacy Projects for the Latin American Citizen Action Laboratory (LLAC). Alejandro is a member of the Board of Directors of the Panamanian Chamber of Technology (CAPATEC), as well as for the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Alliance Foundation (AEI), an external member of the Innovation and Technology Committee of the Latin American Stock Exchange (LATINEX), and a member of the advisory committee of the National Association of Human Resources Professionals of Panama (ANREH).

Speaking in
IASP 2024